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Socket vs Outlet: What’s the Difference?
Socket vs Outlet: What’s the Di...

In this blog, we’ll explore these terms, their roles, and how different types of sockets and outlets are used in various environments.

Ultimate Guide to Foot Switches: Working Principles &Application
Ultimate Guide to Foot Switches...

Foot switches not only free up the user's hands but also significantly enhance work efficiency and operational convenience.

The Complete Guide to LED Indicators
The Complete Guide to LED Indic...

It is essential for everyone working in technology to understand the function and importance of LED indicators.

“Bituo” and “Tetracomp Electronic Components Ltd”
“Bituo” and “Tetracomp Electron...

At 1st August 2022, warmly congratulate that we BITUO ELECTRIC CO., LTD (Hereafter “BITUO”) reached an exclusive distributor agreement with TETRACOMP ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS LTD (Hereafter “TETRACOMP”). BITUO ELECTRIC, founded in 2009, has established one product...

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