How to connect the On/Off Switch & LED Rocker Switch

How to wire a rocker switch to a circuit is a common query many people have. There is the basic on/off rocker switch that we’re are all familiar with but not everybody knows how to wire, and then there’s also the lighted variety that even less people may know how to wire up!

How to wire a rocker switch to a circuit is a common query many people have. There is the basic on/off rocker switch that we’re are all familiar with but not everybody knows how to wire, and then there’s also the lighted variety that even less people may know how to wire up!

Rocker Switches

Below you will find a basic on/off rocker switch wiring diagram as well as an easy to understand illuminated rocker switch wiring diagram so no matter what your needs, after reading this, you will come up with an idea to put switches on all your LEDs by yourself. You can do this because it’s so simple and you will find key points you need to know right here.

Rocker switch wiring diagram

This is the most basic type of switch – the On/Off rocker switch, (as shown using BITUO’s Black Anti Vandal Toggle Switch, mounts in 16mm or 19mm hole).

It has just 2 prongs:

Rocker switch wiring diagram

BITUO’s rocker switches can be hooked up to any 12volt source, everything else is pretty self-explanatory, just follow the rocker switch wiring diagram and you can’t go wrong.

LED rocker switch wiring diagram

For the LED rocker switch, pay careful attention to the position of your ground, power and acc pins, follow the diagram below, (it uses BITUO’s LED Round Rocker Switch: MRS-5 Serieswith recommended mounting hole diameter of 3/4″) and you should have no problems wiring a LED rocker switch:

LED rocker switch wiring diagram

Switches from BITUO

Our rocker switches are available in

  • Plain/Regular (No LED. Does not light up)
  • Blue (LED lights up when switch is on)
  • Red (LED lights up when switch is on)
  • Green (LED lights up when switch is on)
  • White (LED lights up when switch is on)
  • Amber (LED lights up when switch is on)
  • On / Off / On (A 3 position switch. No LED)
Scion OEM style rocker switch wiring diagram

Scion OEM style rocker switch wiring diagram

This switch also has a built-in LED that lights up when it’s in the on position, so if you’ve purchased one of these, below is a wiring diagram showing how you would go about wiring this particular rocker light switch, remember to pay careful attention to the markings on the pins:

I hope this helps you with your next LED lighting project, make sure to check out the great variety of switchesrocker switches, toggle switches we have to offer.

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